Seewines Gallery
Seewines Gallery
Terroirs' Surprises
When you visit Seewines Gallery - be ready to experience the specific taste of a good surprise, the breeze of a pleasant conversation, the geology of emerging happiness, or as the winemakers call it - Terroir - the right place.
Seewines Gallery is located on 106, Bulgaria Blvd – the place for wine culture and art. A place created with pride, love and the joy of sharing with others.
If you’ve already chose wine from the modern online platform –, you can continue the oenological journey by visiting the Gallery and learning about the origins of the delicious taste of these over 1000 wines which we have selected. The meetings which happen on the “terroir” of Seewines Gallery are tales of the passion for the earth under our feet, for our friends who decide to make wine, there is also passion for the wine which once belonged to kings and popes, for the fairies and the hilly vineyards.

In the Gallery you can speak to wine gurus, sommeliers and oenologists, you can meet the winemakers themselves – both large producers and boutique family-owned estates. You can participate in tastings, experience wine in such a way that it allows you to find the best – for yourself – and of course, art. Such is the cause of Seewines - to support young artists. All events held in the Gallery you can see in our event calendar at Our wine club members get discounted rates at the Gallery as well as access to rare bottles – all in the name of experiencing the best that wine has to show.
Among the colors of pinot noir, cabernet franc, chardonnay, sauvignon blanc and among the art created by the students at New Bulgarian University who our company supports, at Seewines Gallery you can enjoy the true meaning of what is called “terroir”.
Come and feel the terroir for yourself at our online store at Or in person on 106, Bulgaria Blvd. and be ready for love at first sight.
To eventsMeet our wine specialists
Асен Милушев
Somelier DipWSET
По образование всъщност Асен е инженер, а преди да открие виното, работи дълги години в обкръжението на германски колеги, откъдето вероятно произтича и слабостта му към сорта ризлинг. При едно пътуване до Мендоса в Аржентина бива поразен от “вируса на виното”, в резултат на което бавно и постепенно то се превръща първоначално от любопитство в хоби, после в страст и накрая в професия. Впечатленията от винените си пътешествия до Калифорния, Канада, Южна Африка и Европа решава да подплати и със систематизирани и задълбочени знания. Преодолява първо WSET ниво 3 в Лондон, а после отново там изкачва и най-високото четвърто стъпало - WSET Diploma. Твърдо убеден е, че другата му страст - пътуванията, естествено свързани с посещения на винени региони, са най-лесният и сигурен начин да станеш ценител на виното.

How to find us
Работно време магазин Seewines Gallery
11:00ч. до 22:00ч.
Sundays closed
Sundays closed
Seewines Gallery address
106 Bulgaria Blvd,
Sofia, Bulgaria