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Organic wine

Organic wine is produced from organic grapes, which means that the vineyard is treated only with the products allowed by the EU Regulation on organic production


Organic wine

Organic wine is produced from organic grapes, which means that the vineyard is treated only with the products allowed by the EU Regulation on organic production

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What is organic wine?
Organic wine is produced from organic grapes, which means that the vineyard is treated only with the products allowed by the EU Regulation on organic production and only the additives permitted by the Regulation may be used in the cellar. Organic wine is not a wine produced without any preparations and additives at all; simply only controlled and limited products may be used. Permitted agronomic preparations are so-called "roof" preparations based on copper and sulphur, for they do not penetrate the tissues of the vines, are are easily washed away by an intense and long rain, and a new spraying will be needed. With organic wines, it is allowed to add sulphites to certain standards, certified bio-tannins, enzymes, yeasts, and so on. Organic wines are made both by small craft wine cellars and by industrial wineries. To bear the "bio" label the wine has to be certified and monitored by special certification bodies.