Alexandra Roussane & Marsane 2022
The colour is thick, straw yellow. There are aromas of citrus, melon and mineral notes. The two varieties, Roussanne and Marsanne, traditionally partner well because of the good structure and body, combined with the mineral texture of Marsanne on the one hand, and the more elegant in body but very rich in aromatic herbal and grassy components of Roussanne on the other. It partners well with fresh salads, light white meats, pasta with cream sauce.

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Alexandra Estate
Innovation, style and the pursuit of the best are the basis of the project Alexandra Estate. It all started in 2012 with the purchase of 200 acres of premium vineyards in the region Sakar, proven to be one of the most famous wine regions in Bulgaria. Alexandra Estate’s vineyards in Oreshets, Harmanli were in the first fruiting year when they attract the attention of the experts, and their proximity to the 100 years old oak forest and the location in the foothills of the Eastern Rhodopes contribute more for their selection. The exposure of the vineyards is north. This allows the grapes to retain good acids even in this region with normally hot climate. Varieties included in the estate’s wines are: Syrah, Malbec, Cabernet Franc, Pinot Noir, Merlot, Chardonnay, Marsanne, Roussanne, Semillon and Viognier. In 2013, Alexandra Estate is expanding with another 100 acres of vineyards in the village Rakitnitsa, Stara Zagora, located 300 meters above sea level, and their carbonate soils contribute to the excellent quality of grapes planted on them. Cabernet Franc, Syrah, Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot, Sauvignon Blanc, Chardonnay and Semillon will produce its first fruit in 2016. What distinguishes Alexandra Estate in the cultivation of vines, are the principles of organic and biodynamic farming. In 2014. Alexandra Estate will produce a total of 30,000 bottles of wine: white, ros? and red. In the same year will begin construction of a winery in the village Rakitnitsa, which will produce up to 60,000 bottles. At a design stage is the second winery of Alexandra Estate with larger production capability, located in Oreshets village. For the vinification are used own French oak barrels with a capacity of 225 liters and 300 liters. All wines, except ALEXANDRA SAUVIGNON BLANC 2013, are fermented and matured in barrels, and even the Ros? is partially fermented in French oak. For Alexandra Estate work proven professionals: the cultivation of the vines is entrusted to Atanas Shiderov and Eric Moro and for the wine making and the creation of blends take care Alexander Velyanov and Thierry Haberer
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Thracian valley
In this region, which includes Southern Bulgaria, the climate is temperate continental protected from northern winds thanks to Stara Planina, with good rain distribution. It includes the central parts of the Thracian lowland and parts of Sakar. Most of the red grape varieties are concentrated in this area. Mavrud, Merlot, Cabernet Sauvignon, Red Muscat, Pamid and others are grown. The climatic conditions of the region favour the production of rich, dense, memorable red wines, especially from the varieties Cabernet Sauvignon and Mavrud. Good wines from the local variety Mavrud are especially valued for their aroma and taste of small red fruits, spices and herbs.
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Сортът Марсан (Marsanne) е бяло грозде с произход от района на Северна Рона. Той много прилича на сорта Русан, с който традиционно се отглежда и също често се бърка. Извън Франция се отглежда и в Швейцария, Испания, Австралия, Нова Зеландия, Канада и Съединените щати. В Италия той е въведен от войските на Наполеон и се отглежда в Емилия, в района на Пиаченца и в Тоскана. Въпреки че не е толкова чувствителен като Русан, Марсан е склонен да дава лоши резултати, ако се отглежда на неидеални места. Например при прекалено горещ климат гроздето може да узрее прекалено много и да се получи „вяло“ вино с малко киселини и аромат, а при прекалено студени места то трудно узрява напълно и полученото вино е безвкусно и неутрално. За да поддържат подходящо ниво на киселинност, лозарите се опитват да събират реколтата от Марсан точно преди да достигне пълна зрялост. От него се произвеждат вина с интензивни цветове, плодов крушов аромат и нотки на подправки. Предвид захарното съдържание на гроздето, вината, произведени, могат да бъдат богати на алкохол и имат известна склонност към отлежаване в дъб. С отлежаването виното от Марсан придобива още по-тъмен цвят, ароматите стават по-комплексни, на мед, ядки и дюли, а небцето показва почти мазна текстура.
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