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  6. Bourgogne Blanc Domaine Du Beauregard

Bourgogne Blanc Domaine Du Beauregard 2022

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Art. # 4731

Chardonnay 100%. Aging 100% oak barrels.
South-east facing vineyard plots in the town of Saint Sernin du Plain; Sandstone soil. Age of the vines: 45 years old
In the winery, we favor wine work that highlights the vintage, the terroir and the appellation; while limiting inputs and taking into account the lunar influences on our rackings and bottlings. Bottling scheduled for April 2022. Descending moon flower or fruit day. Golden dress with gold button nuances. Nose with a beautiful bouquet combining dried fruits, vanilla biscuit, minerality and candied pear. Enveloping palate with a nice fat and a nice balance.


  • Fruit
  • Body
  • Dryness
  • Freshness
  • Alcohol




  • Citrus Citrus
  • Honey Honey
  • Mineral Flavors Mineral Flavors
  • Apple Apple


For white wine

Serving Temperature

Cold Cold

Food pairing

  • White Meats White Meats
  • Hard Cheese Hard Cheese
  • Carbohydrates Carbohydrates


Ready, but will improve

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Domaine du Beauregard

Domaine du Beauregard

Пет поколения са се сменили едно след друго и в нито едно от тях семейната изба, днес наречена Domaine du Beauregard, не е спирала да се развива и да бъде препитание за тези изключителни, свързани със земята си хора. Имението им е разположено в Saint Sernin du Plain ( Сен-Сернен дю Плен), на половин час южно от Бон, на един хвърлей от долината Маранж, в лозята на Кот дю Кушоа. Звучи ви сложно? Накратко – в Бургундия сме! Първите лозя, пра-прадядото на Стефани и Жером Депернон (които управляват сега), купува през 1810 г. По това време – за лично ползване, а след това синът му Жермен започва да продава виното на тогава никому неизвестното Domaine Dépernon Père et Fils през 30-те години на XX век, при това със забележителен успех. Бизнесът продължава да се разраства благодарение на сина му Бернар, което съвпада и с популяризирането на регионалното наименование Bourgogne Rouge. През 1976 г. Мишел, син на Бернар (и внук на Жермен Депернон), създава своя собствена фирма и продължава семейната традиция. През 1992 Мишел и Франсоаз Депернон придобиват нови парцели в култовите апелации Maranges, Maranges 1er Cru 'Les Clos Roussots' и Bourgogne Hautes Côtes de Beaune. Съответно Domaine du Beauregard зпочва да развива продажбите си на премиумния сегмент вина в бутилки. През 2000 г. семейната фирма Domaine Dépernon Père et Fils става Domaine du Beauregard. Днес Жером и Стефани, децата на Франсоаз и Мишел, работят в имението и продължават да правят бургундски вина, но като плод на своята страст и собствената си философия за лозарство и винарство.

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In this area, red wines are produced from one variety - Pinot Noir, but the wines actually vary in quality from light and ordinary to rich, complex and truly majestic. Burgundy is famous for its small vineyards and it is generally believed that the smaller the area of ​​the vineyard, the better the wine. The best Burgundy wines come from Côte d'Or, a strip of only 30 miles, divided in the center into 2 separate parts; Côte de Nuit to the north and Côte de Beaune to the south. The fame of Cotê de Nuits is in the red wines - 95% of Pinot Noir grapes are produced here. Of course, here are some of the best, able to age, the most exotic and expensive wines. The Côte de Beaune produces approximately 38% white wine, 60% red wine and 2% sparkling wine. The white wine variety is exclusively Chardonnay, and the quality varies from the best, Montrachets and Corton Charlemagnes, Meursault, Puligny and Chassagne to the more ordinary Macon Blanc. The former are traditionally aged in small oak barrels, while Macon wines are usually lighter in character and have a good value for money. The red wines from Beaune do not have the fame of their "brothers" from Côte de Nuit, with exceptions here are those who come from Pomard, Corton and Volney. In general, they are lighter in style, but depending on the harvest they can show potential that successfully competes with the Côte de Nuits and beyond.

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Chardonnay is the world's most famous white-wine grape and also one of the most widely planted. Of course, the most highly regarded expressions of the variety are those from Burgundy and California, but many high-quality examples are made in Italy, Australia, New Zealand and parts of South America. Describing the flavours of Chardonnay is not easy. This is not thanks to the complexity of the varietal itself but usually due its susceptibility to winemaking techniques - such as Malolactic fermentation which gives distinctive buttery aromas or Fermentation or maturation in oak barrels which contributes to the wine with smokey notes of vanilla, honey and even cinnamon, and not last the lees contact while in barrel imparts biscuity, doughy flavours. And all these incorporated with the varietal aromas of tropical (banana, pineapple and guava) to stone fruits (peach, nectarine and apricot), sometimes even citrus and apple notes. Climate plays a major role in dictating which fruit flavours a Chardonnay will have - warm regions (California, Australia ) make more tropical styles; temperate zones (southern Burgundy, New Zealand) - stone fruit notes, while the very coolest (Chablis, Champagne) lean towards green-apple aromas.

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