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Gewurztraminer Cuvee des Folastries Josmeyer 2020

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Art. # 4462

This dry Gewurztraminer exudes spice and is twirling, dense and assertive. 

On the nose, yellow rose rubs shoulders with cardamom, coriander, ginger root mixed with mango or lychee. The mouth draws on aromatic peppers linked to the flesh of the fruit and the spirit of the garden in summer.
The idea is to have spring water infused with spices and flowers. The salinity, carried by the structure of the old vines, accompanies the matter which opens out after a few minutes of aeration.


  • Fruit
  • Body
  • Dryness
  • Freshness
  • Alcohol




  • Rose Rose
  • Spices Spices
  • Ginger Ginger
  • Tropical Fruits Tropical Fruits


For white wine

Serving Temperature

Cold Cold

Food pairing

  • Raw Dried Meats Raw Dried Meats
  • Soft Cheese Soft Cheese
  • Exotic Spices Exotic Spices


Ready, but will improve

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Domaine Josmeyer

Domaine Josmeyer

The winery was established in 1963 when Hubert Meyer added the first three letters of his father's (Joseph) name to his family name. The family has been in the wine trade since 1854. Josmeyer is located in Wintzenheim, Haut-Rhin, Alsace, northeastern France, 4 km from Colmar, the department's capital. Twenty-eight hectares of vines, of which 3.5 hectares are Grand Crus Hengst and Brand, are planted with the usual Riesling, Pinot Blanc, Auxerrois, Pinot Gris, Gewurztraminer, Sylvaner, Muscat and Pinot Noir varieties. In 1995 they switched to organic and biodynamic agriculture, receiving a certificate in 2004. In the cellar, too, the processes are natural and without additives. Josmeyer makes mostly dry wines, with huge potential for aging and development in the bottle. If you want to enjoy a classic taste of the Alsace area, Josmeyer is your winique choice.

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Alsace is located in northeastern France, between the Vosges Mountains and the French border with Germany, marked by the Rhine. This is a long, thin region, 185 kilometers from north to south and only 40 kilometers from east to west. The key wine-growing regions here are located on the lower slopes of the Vosges, with eastern and southeastern exposure. Alsace specializes in white varieties such as Riesling, Gewürztraminer, Pinot Blanc and Pinot Gris. These varieties, naturally distributed in neighboring Germany, in contrast, here are produced in a much drier style. The best presented are the dry and mineral Riesling, the spicy and strong Gewürztraminer, which go well with the local cuisine. Other interesting and noteworthy are the light and fresh Sylvaner, as well as Pinot Blanc and Pinot Gris.

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Гевюрцтраминер (Gewürztraminer) е официалният синоним на немски език на ароматния сорт грозде Траминер, който е една от емблемите на енологията на Южен Тирол, от една страна, и на Елзас, от друга. Много добре познат и изключително характерен по отношение на ароматите и вкуса, както всички вина, произведени от ароматни или частично ароматни сортове грозде. По-трудно, именно поради тези характеристики, се съчетават с храна. Структурата и минералността му, особено в най-високите изрази, които се срещат в Елзас, както и алкохолното съдържание на много интерпретации от Алто Адидже, го правят неподходящо за придружаване на деликатни ястия. Мекотата и консистенцията на виното, съчетани с мощен ароматен букет (плодов - личи, маракуя, ананас; пикантен - пипер, карамфил, звездовиден анасон; цветен) го правят интересно за опитване с бели меса в много пикантни ориенталски приготовления (като Тандори), с пушена сьомга или сини сирена. То е изключително и като вино за медитация.

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