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Samaropetra Kir-Yianni 2023

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Art. # 6116

A refreshing Sauvignon Blanc with complex aromas of kiwi, passion fruit and grass. On the palate, the wine is rich with sense of flowers and citrus while it is characterized by a crispy acidity. Long lip-smacking aftertaste composes a beautifully textured Sauvignon Blanc that reflects its cold mountainous origin.

Alc. 14 %


  • Fruit
  • Body
  • Dryness
  • Freshness
  • Alcohol


Sauvignon Blanc


  • Citrus Fruits Citrus Fruits
  • Tropical Fruits Tropical Fruits
  • Grass Grass
  • Lemon Lemon


For white wine

Serving Temperature

Ice Cold Ice Cold

Food pairing

  • Vegetables Vegetables
  • Seafood Seafood
  • Soft Cheese Soft Cheese


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Кир Яни

Кир Яни

Знаковата за винения регион на Науса и като цяло за Гърция изба Кир Яни (Kir-Yianni) е основана през 1997г. от Янис Бутарис, една от водещите фигури в гръцката винена индустрия, когато той напуска Boutari Wine Group - семейната компания за висококачествени вина, създадена от дядо му през 1879 г. Днес Стелиос Бутарис, петото поколение винопроизводители във фамилията, води Кир Яни към следващия етап от нейната история, като продължава да изповядва основните принципи на философията на Кир-Яни: желание за иновации, уважение към традициите и истинско познаване на виното - от гроздето до крайния потребител.

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Sauvignon Blanc

Sauvignon Blanc

Sauvignon Blanc is one of the most famous white grape varieties, successfully found its way out of the home country France into a second one - New Zealand. The rapid development of the Marlborough Sauvignon Blanc is one of the most dramatic events in the world of wine. The intense and readily accessible flavour of a classic Marlborough is the main reason behind this success - fruity, intense, almost magical.The key selling point of Sauvignon Blanc is its straightforwardness – the flavours are rarely hidden away in the background, which makes Sauvignon Blanc an ideal wine with which to begin a journey in the world of wine. Classic Sauvignon Blanc aromas range from grass, nettles and asparagus to green apples and to more esoteric notes such as cats' pee, boxwood and gunflint.

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