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Biodynamic wine

Biodynamics is based on the philosophy of Rudolf Steiner, who lived in Austria at the end of the 19th and in the early 20th Century. 


Biodynamic wine

Biodynamics is based on the philosophy of Rudolf Steiner, who lived in Austria at the end of the 19th and in the early 20th Century. 

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What is biodynamic wine?
Biodynamics is based on the philosophy of Rudolf Steiner, who lived in Austria at the end of the 19th and in the early 20th Century. Its leading idea is that healthy, energetic wine can only be ‘born’ by healthy, energetic grapes, which in turn can only be achieved on a healthy, energetic terrain. The revitalization of the soil, the recovery of the humus layer and the natural balance and vitality of the terrain is the main goal of biodynamics. Intensive agriculture, pesticides and chemicals deplete soils and take away from their forces and, over time, its life power declines, microorganisms die and it becomes sterile. Dead soil cannot give birth to live wine full of energy. With the help of special biodynamic treatments/preparations on a natural basis and through the technique of dynamization, biodynamics seeks to return life back to the soil. A true goal is even more profound and sublime: according to Steiner, only by feeding on clean, energetic, live food a person can accumulate enough energy to be able to fulfil his higher mission: to perform a jump into mind and develop their hidden potentials. The biodynamic method is used by many of the small craftsmen producers around the world, and in recent times, with the higher interest in it, it is also applied by large wineries, in many cases the motivation is more of a marketing nature.