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Aligote Dragoshinov 2022

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Art. # 5904

Aligotte from the 2022 vintage is a wine created from grapes from 50-year-old vines from the region of the town of Lyaskovets. The wine has a sparkling colour with a subtle greenish hue, grassy aromas and a pronounced minerality. Suitable for white meats, pasta Carbonara and vegetable dishes.


  • Fruit
  • Body
  • Dryness
  • Freshness
  • Alcohol




  • Acacia Acacia
  • Mineral Flavors Mineral Flavors
  • Grass Grass


For white wine

Serving Temperature

Cold Cold

Food pairing

  • Vegetables Vegetables
  • White Meats White Meats
  • Pasta Pasta


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Малката семейна изба е създадена през 2018 от Даниел Драгошинов, енолог с близо 30 годишен опит. Построена е в село Нацовци, на 15 км южно от Велико Търново. Капацитетът на избата е 12 000 л, а годишното производство не надхвърля 5000 бутилки. Първата реколта вино от изба Драгошинов е 2019 г. Производството на малки серии авторски вина и наложен пелин по традиционна рецепта от внимателно подбрано грозде е целта, към която се стреми технологът Даниел Драгошинов, чиито професионален път е изцяло свързан с виното. Неговата философия във виноделието е да следва сетивата си и особеностите на всяка реколта, за да създава авторски вина, отличаващи се с характер и енигма.

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Danubian Plain

Danubian Plain

The area stretches from the banks of the Danube to the slopes of Stara Planina, covering the fertile Danube plain. It is characterised by a temperate-continental climate with hot summers and a large number of sunny days. The main varieties are Muscat Otonel, Gamza, Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot, Chardonnay, Aligote, Pamid and others. The region produces dry white wines, some sparkling wines by using the classical method and some quality red wines with rich fruity aroma and fresh taste. Gamza is the typical local variety, also known in Serbia and Hungary as Kadarka. It is a red variety, grown mostly in the regions of Vidin and Pleven, which ripens in late September and gives fresh, fruity and pleasantly harsh wines with a typical aroma of raspberries and wild red berries.

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Aligote is best known as the "third" grape variety from Burgundy, most common in Buseron, in the northern part of Côte Chalon. Aligote also plays a key role in Crémant de Bourgogne sparkling wines. Aligote has been part of Burgundy's wine landscape for more than 200 years, planted alongside Chardonnay. This is an early maturing variety, characterized by its resistance to frost. Small quantities of vineyards with Aligote can also be found in the Rhone Valley, where it is used for blending mostly with Chardonnay to create light, fruity white wines from Châtillon- en-Diois. Outside France, Aligoté is particularly prevalent in Eastern Europe - in countries such as Bulgaria and Romania, where Aligoté wines have surprisingly many followers. The plantations in these countries are many times larger than in the traditional home of the variety in eastern France. Wines produced from Aligoté are usually dry in style, with floral and herbal notes. Due to its characteristic natural acidity, it is often used in blends to enhance the aromas of richer but less structured wines.

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