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Kajlashki Rubin Reserve Gorun 2020

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Art. # 5181

The wine was aged for one year in a new French oak barrel. Intense aromas of berries and spices. Medium body, combining the softness acquired from contact with the oak and the fruitiness of the grapes. Suitable with grilled red meats, pasta and cheeses.

Limited edition of 600 bottle


  • Fruit
  • Body
  • Dryness
  • Tanins
  • Alcohol


Kailushki rubin


  • Cherry Cherry
  • Black Pepper Black Pepper
  • Small Red Fruits Small Red Fruits


For red whine

Serving Temperature

Room Temperature Room Temperature

Food pairing

  • Red Meats Red Meats
  • Raw Dried Meats Raw Dried Meats
  • Roasted Vegetables Roasted Vegetables


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изба Горун

изба Горун

Бутиковата семейна изба е изградена в град Искър, на 30 км от Плевен, с мисията да възстанови и надгради вековните традиции на региона. Приоритет са местните за тероара сортове грозде – Гъмза, Кайлъшки рубин, Кайлъшки мискет, както и световните царе на виното Каберне фран, Каберне совиньон, Сира и Пино ноар и тяхната изява на плодородната Мизийска почва. Лозята, засадени през 2015 г., са разположени на ветровитите хълмове над река Искър, а избата, основана през 2019, е сгушена в долината ѝ, където се намира и едноименният град, възникнал навремето като Горун (вид дъб), заради вековните дъбове в околността. Главен технолог на избата е Светослав Кръстев, който съчетава класическите и иновативните стилове във виноделието от Новия и Стария свят.

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Danubian Plain

Danubian Plain

The area stretches from the banks of the Danube to the slopes of Stara Planina, covering the fertile Danube plain. It is characterised by a temperate-continental climate with hot summers and a large number of sunny days. The main varieties are Muscat Otonel, Gamza, Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot, Chardonnay, Aligote, Pamid and others. The region produces dry white wines, some sparkling wines by using the classical method and some quality red wines with rich fruity aroma and fresh taste. Gamza is the typical local variety, also known in Serbia and Hungary as Kadarka. It is a red variety, grown mostly in the regions of Vidin and Pleven, which ripens in late September and gives fresh, fruity and pleasantly harsh wines with a typical aroma of raspberries and wild red berries.

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Kailushki rubin

Kailushki rubin

Kailushki rubin belongs to the group of medium-ripening wine varieties. In the conditions of the town of Pleven the grapes ripen at the end of September. The wines made from it have a ruby-red colour, a high anthocyanin content, a pleasant fruity aroma and are suitable for ageing. The variety is a hybrid from the crossing of Pamid with Gamay Noir.

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Customer reviews

1 Customer reviews
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10 months ago
Аз не съм почитател на сорта Рубин, но това вино надмина очакванията ми. Много кадифен вкус, горски плодове. Обичам да пробвам нови вина и от нови изби, това вино е наистина много добро.