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Zieher - в близост до съвършенството

Zieher - one of the most prestigious glass ware manufacturers from Germany, is the embodiment of innovative design in high quality craftsmanship! 


Zieher - в близост до съвършенството

Zieher - one of the most prestigious glass ware manufacturers from Germany, is the embodiment of innovative design in high quality craftsmanship! 

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Zieher Decanter DOPPIO
Decanter DOPPIO - the double stackWhen pouring into the “Dop...
BGN 690.00
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Decanter Star with silicone ring holder
Decanter STAR – the gentleThe individual star in the centre ...
BGN 630.00
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Zieher Decanter Eddy with silicone ring holder
Decanter EDDY - the rapidInside the ”Eddy” decanter, the win...
BGN 670.00
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Zieher Glass INTENSE 2 pack
Пакет от две чаши за разкошни и мощни бели и червени вина, з...
BGN 264.00
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Zieher Glass INTENSE
Чаша за разкошни и мощни бели и червени вина, за пикантни и ...
BGN 140.00

Unique wine glasses and extraordinary decanters fascinate wine lovers around the world. Entirely handcrafted, each glass, each decanter and accessory, is a true work of glass art. Working with the best designers for the best results, the specific shape of each product is subordinated to only one thing - to reveal the beauty of wine as a divine beverage. Each Zieher (Zier) branded product is truly close to perfection.