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Up to 15% OFF Rakia and Grapa!

Get Rakia and Grapa with up to 15% discount for your Easter celebrations!

Up to 15% OFF Rakia and Grapa!

Get Rakia and Grapa with up to 15% discount for your Easter celebrations!

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1 - 17 of 17 results
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Grape Rakia Nashe Loze
Kopsa winery creates this grape elixir exclusively from the ...
BGN 15.90
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Rakia EM
High quality wine brandy distilled in a copper pot type "Ala...
BGN 25.90
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Rakia Raduil Sliva Vidinska Gamza
The variety is Chachan Superb Plum. Cool nights and warm day...
BGN 31.90
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Rakia Apricot Vidinska Gamza
Distillate produced from well-ripened Bulgarian Apricots fro...
BGN 31.90
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Rakia Bononia
The grape variety is Pomorie pearl. The grapes come from the...
BGN 49.00
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Rakia Muskatova Aged Boyar
A high quality brandy created using a special technology by ...
BGN 29.90
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Гроздова ракия Мускатова 0.700мл. Шато Копса
Мускатова гроздова ракия Шато Копса, създадена чрез дестилац...
BGN 18.90
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Кайсиева Ракия Хуберт 40% 0.7л.
Свежа и много приятна кайсиева ракия, характеризираща се с н...
BGN 59.00
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Крушова Ракия Златна Долина 40% 0.7л.
Характеризира се с изкюяително силни и наситени аромат и вку...
BGN 53.90