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Дюлева Отлежала Ракия Хуберт 40% 0.7л.

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Art. # 2420

Напитка стилово много напомняща Бърбън - много сложна напитка отличаваща се с уникален баланс и много високо ниво на комплексност в аромата и вкуса, като автентичността на плода е запазена по изключителен начин и е комбинирана много успешно с аромата и вкусовете придобити от дъбовата екстракция - шоколад, кафе, какао, карамел, ванилия, лешници, рози и т.н. Подхожда много на говеждо месо, прошуто, сушено месо, стари сирена с елегантен аромат, особено козе сирене, маслини, карпачо.

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Destilerija Hubert

Destilerija Hubert

Hubert Distillery 1924 is a family distillery, founded in 2007 in a place with a non-traditional history and heritage in Serbia. According to an order of Empress Maria Theresa of November 25, 1763, only Catholics have the right to settle in this area, so in 1770/71 settlers arrived from Lorraine and southwestern Germany, who founded three villages - Seoul Tour, Charleville and St. Hubert. After World War II, the Germans were deported to Germany and Bosnian families moved there. The three villages are united in one under the name Veliko Selo, which was renamed in 1948 to Banatsko Veliko Selo. The building that houses the Hubert Distillery today was built in 1901, and the brandy factory in 1924, hence the name. The main activity is the production of natural brandies from plums, quinces, apricots, apples, pears, as well as liqueurs from cherries and raspberries. The distillery has 15 hectares of its own orchards. The fermentation takes place under strictly controlled conditions, after which double and triple distillation is performed in copper cauldrons. Plum, quince and apple brandies are aged for at least three years in oak barrels, while apricot and William brandy are aged for at least three years in stainless steel containers.

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