Памид Темпус Вини 2021
Памид е един от най-древните и разпространени български сортове, познат повече от 4000 години. Това вино е създадено от 45 годишни лозя, за да се разкрие неговия потенциал и свежест. По време на винификацията протича спонтанна ферментация с диви дрожди, с цел максимална тероарна изява на сорта. Резултатът е балансирано и завършено вино с изключителна плодова структура.
Филтриране и отлежаване в бутилка 3 месеца. Лимитирана серия - 700 бутилки

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Vidin Gamza
Vidinska Gamza is a young name on the wine market in Bulgaria. Created by owners of over 600 decares of vineyards in the area of the village of Novo Selo, Vidin district, it embodies the best traditions of the Novosel winemakers, famous for the production of high quality wines. The owners of Vidinska Gamza grow and cultivate more than 600 decares of their own vineyards, located on the hills of the southern Danube bank, around the village of Novo Selo. The temperate continental climate in the region, the hot summer and the large number of sunny days, as well as the ventilation of the hills with the plantations are ideal even for the "whimsical" variety Gamza.
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Danubian Plain
The area stretches from the banks of the Danube to the slopes of Stara Planina, covering the fertile Danube plain. It is characterised by a temperate-continental climate with hot summers and a large number of sunny days. The main varieties are Muscat Otonel, Gamza, Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot, Chardonnay, Aligote, Pamid and others. The region produces dry white wines, some sparkling wines by using the classical method and some quality red wines with rich fruity aroma and fresh taste. Gamza is the typical local variety, also known in Serbia and Hungary as Kadarka. It is a red variety, grown mostly in the regions of Vidin and Pleven, which ripens in late September and gives fresh, fruity and pleasantly harsh wines with a typical aroma of raspberries and wild red berries.
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