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Bellini Cipriani

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Art. # 1577

This wonderful cocktail was born in Venice and it is the perfect summer aperitif. It has an elegant and wonderful bouquet, which enchants with its freshness, complemented by the fine Prosecco bubbles.

Alc. 5.5 %


  • Fruit
  • Body
  • Sweetness
  • Freshness
  • Alcohol




  • Flowers Flowers
  • Peach Peach


Tulip glass

Serving Temperature

Ice Cold Ice Cold

Food pairing

  • Desserts Desserts
  • Chocolate Chocolate
  • Fruits Fruits


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Bellini Cipriani

Bellini Cipriani

In 1931, an idea became a reality, Giuseppe Cipriani opened his Harry's Bar. It is located in Venice, in a small stone building along the canal, right next to St. Mark's Square. Cipriani's secret is not in what can be seen or touched, but in what can be felt. Customers at this place really feel like royalty! The remarkable cocktails and the almost century-old history of its bar have gained such popularity all over the world that in 2001 it received an award from the Italian Ministry of Culture and was declared a "National Landmark".

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Veneto wines are as multifaceted and vast as the region itself. Veneto is smaller than the regions of Piedmont, Tuscany, Sicily, Puglia, but produces more wine than any of them. An incredible fact that can actually be easily understood by only mentioning some of the wines produced here - Amarone, Valpolicella, Soave and - of course - the famous Prosecco. All these wines gained their recognition, especially in the last decades of the 20th century, when Italian wine began its victorious march to conquer the world. The incredible diversity of terroir and relief, varieties and optimal climatic conditions are a prerequisite for the multifaceted presentation of Veneto on the wine scene - from dry, white wines to the sparkling summer temptation of its frizzantes, from light reds to the dense and bold amarone and recioto . Almost the entire range of wine production is presented here, and when we add the cities full of history - the attraction of Veneto becomes even more tangible and powerful.

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Glera is the grape variety from which Prosecco is made, the unique sparkling wine that carries the Italian spirit in itself and has conquered the world with its light and unpretentious approach. It has been grown for hundreds of years in the Veneto and Friuli regions, and virtually any wine produced by Glera is almost always either frizzante (carbonated) or spumante (sparkling). Late-ripening variety with high natural acidity and relatively neutral taste - characteristics that make it ideal for the production of sparkling wines. The resulting wine has a light body and is low in alcohol - unarguably a great refreshing summer drink.

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a year ago
Страхотен летен коктейл
3 years ago
Историята на един прозорец
Дори не си спомням дали съм го чела някъде, или съм си го измислила и има само някакви елементи на истина - хора по масите, лъчи привечер, и Хемингуей, който гледа през един прозорец към водата във Венеция, пишейки "Отвъд реката сред дърветата" - книга за една много красива любов. Та там, в този бар, на това вино, той казва, че понякога сърцето се преобръща като делфин в океан - красиво движение, но много малко хора могат да го усетят. Някаква такава слънчева любов, която може да се случи и в София, и във Варна, и навсякъде... Затова го харесвам този цвят...