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Pelin Rose 2024
Pelin Rose Gorun
Traditional Pelin, prepared according to an authentic local recipe, combining the richness of over 30 aromatic herbs combined with the freshness of fresh apples, quinces and pears, and the sweetness of dessert grapes. The base is a high quality wine, delicately sweetened with honey sourced from the region, which gives the drink a balanced taste full of natural flavours.
- Spices
- Black Pepper
- Small Red Fruits
Serving Temperature
Cellar temperatureFood pairing
- Vegetables
- Exotic Spices
- Carbohydrates
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изба Горун
Бутиковата семейна изба е изградена в град Искър, на 30 км от Плевен, с мисията да възстанови и надгради вековните традиции на региона. Приоритет са местните за тероара сортове грозде – Гъмза, Кайлъшки рубин, Кайлъшки мискет, както и световните царе на виното Каберне фран, Каберне совиньон, Сира и Пино ноар и тяхната изява на плодородната Мизийска почва. Лозята, засадени през 2015 г., са разположени на ветровитите хълмове над река Искър, а избата, основана през 2019, е сгушена в долината ѝ, където се намира и едноименният град, възникнал навремето като Горун (вид дъб), заради вековните дъбове в околността. Главен технолог на избата е Светослав Кръстев, който съчетава класическите и иновативните стилове във виноделието от Новия и Стария свят.
All wines of the same producerThracian valley
In this region, which includes Southern Bulgaria, the climate is temperate continental protected from northern winds thanks to Stara Planina, with good rain distribution. It includes the central parts of the Thracian lowland and parts of Sakar. Most of the red grape varieties are concentrated in this area. Mavrud, Merlot, Cabernet Sauvignon, Red Muscat, Pamid and others are grown. The climatic conditions of the region favour the production of rich, dense, memorable red wines, especially from the varieties Cabernet Sauvignon and Mavrud. Good wines from the local variety Mavrud are especially valued for their aroma and taste of small red fruits, spices and herbs.
More wines of this regionPinot Noir
Pinot Noir is the dominant red wine grape of Burgundy, a challenge for every single vine grower and wine producer. It can be found in Germany (as Spätburgunder), Italy (Pino Nero), Chile, South Africa, Australia, New Zealand and the USA. The wines show a specific aroma of red berries and cherry depending on the vinification method employed - from fresh red cherries in lighter wines to stewed black cherries in weightier examples, many of them also showing hints of earthy flavours.
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