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Weisser Burgunder Trocken vom Loblehm 2015

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Art. # 0420
This is an elegant Weisser Burgunder (Pinot Blanc) with a balanced freshness. It is typical for the style of Weingut Rebholz. This wine has a huge potential for maturing.
Alc. 13 %


  • Fruit
  • Body
  • Dryness
  • Freshness
  • Alcohol




  • Quince Quince
  • Apricot Apricot
  • Apple Apple


For white wine

Serving Temperature

Cold Cold

Food pairing

  • Vegetables Vegetables
  • Seafood Seafood
  • White Meats White Meats


Ready, but will improve

More about this product

Weingut Rebholz

Weingut Rebholz

Hansjörg and Birgit Rebholz have been making wine for three generations in the southern part of the Palatinate, the second largest wine region in Germany. Once upon a time, these were to blame only for internal consumption, in the family. In South Palatinate, where the property is located, limestone soils dominate. There are three separate terroirs in the vineyards. At the vineyard Im Sonnenschein (in the sun), there are Riesling, Pinot Noir, Pinot Blanc and less Pinot Gris, as well as local specialties Gewürztraminer and Muskateller. Kastanienbusch (chestnut forests surround the plot) - rich in iron, well-drained soil, produces wines with high concentration. This is one of the best dry Rieslings, not only in Germany… The oldest vineyard is Albertsweiler Latt, in Albersweil and was planted with Gewurztraminer in 1947. The vineyards are on pergolas because, at the time, Hansjorg's grandfather believed the area was similar to Tuscany. The 22 hectares of the property are grown biodynamically.

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Пфалц е вторият по големина и един от най-важните винарски региони в Германия с около 23 500 хектара лозя. Само Райнхесен, на север, произвежда повече вино от Пфалц. Лозята са затворени в превъзходен пейзаж, който е дом на разнообразни сортове. Районът Пфалц е важен и за германската история, тъй като е имал централна роля по време на Римската империя. Лозята граничат с винарския регион Райнхесен на север и френския регион Елзас на юг. Регионът е разделен на две отделни зони. Спиращата дъха околност включва планинската верига Хаард, която е покрита с раститерлност, руини на замъци, редици овощни дървета, овощни градини и старинни села. Производството във винения регион Пфалц се характеризира с използването на съвременни технологии, но и традиционни лозарски методи. Виненият туризъм допринася значително за икономиката на Пфалц и много туристи посещават Пътя на виното. Този туристически маршрут е създаден през 1935 г. и все още привлича стотици хиляди посетители в региона всяка година. Това е един от най-топлите винарски региони в Германия. Лятото е сухо, но не прекалено горещо, а зимите са меки. Климатът е достатъчно мек, за да могат сортовете грозде и други култури да процъфтяват и да растат добре. Почвата е доста разнообразна в целия регион, с участъци от пясък, варовик, мергел, льос, гранит и няколко изолирани участъка със шисти. В северната част на района на Пфалц най-често срещаната почва е варовик, докато в южната част на Пфалц по-често се срещат льос и глинеста почва.

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Weißburgunder or Pinot Blanc is a white wine grape variety used for the production of dry, sparkling and dessert wines. Although not the most glamorous member of the Pinot family, the variety has proven its value in various wine regions, including Alsace in northeastern France, Alto Adige in Italy and parts of Germany and Austria. Pinot Blanc's homeland is Burgundy, but perhaps Alsace is his home, although here it is somewhat overshadowed by the undoubted stars of the region - Riesling and Gevertrazminer. The wines are typical with almond aromas, with a hint of spice, apple and cream flavors. They may also show some mild mineral characteristics, which, however, usually subside after the widely practiced in the region oak maturation. Cremant d'Alsace sparkling wines, on the other hand, tend to be fresher, often showing a variety of nut flavors. The variety is also one of the few allowed in a champagne blend, along with Pinot Noir, Chardonnay and Pinot Munier. Outside France, Pinot Blanc is widely found in northwestern Italy, where it is known as Pinot Bianco. Here the style of wines are lighter, more distinct, rarely touching oak. Pinot Bianco is also used in the production of Italian sparkling wines: especially Franciacorta, Italy's answer to champagne. In Germany and Austria, the variety is known as Weissburgunder or Weisser Burgunder (literally "White Burgundy"). In Germany, the wines are usually light and refreshing, but in Austria the grapes are also used to make the sweet and textured Trockenbeerenauslese.

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