Colorito Merlot & Cabernet Franc 2019
Мерлото за това вино произлиза от два масива в с.Хърсово - 1.2 дка с възраст около 30 години и в с.Кромидово – 48 дка на възраст 4 години. Лозовият масив от Каберне Фран се намира в землището на с. Кромидово и е с площ 11 дка. Средната възраст на лозята е близо 30 години. Те се отглеждат чрез спазване на биодинамичните практики в лозарството. По-дълбоката коренова система на старите лозя, спомага за снабдяването им с минерални вещества и микроелементи. Това дава отражение върху структурата на полученото вино. Климатът е топъл, благодарение на въздушните течения, идващи от Егейско море, но вечер от заобикалящите планини се спускат по-хладни течения, които допринасят за по-големите денонощни амплитуди. Почвите са песъчливи с голям процент варовик.

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AYA Estate Vineyards
AYA Estate Vineyards is a company, the successor of viticultural knowledge for several generations, with over 80 years of experience in artisanal wine production. These traditions determine the direction of the project - the revival of endemic Bulgarian varieties and focusing on the terroir expression of wine, thanks to working with nature, not against it. The main massifs are located in southwestern Bulgaria, in the village of Harsovo, Melnik region, but also have 10 hectares in northeastern Bulgaria, only 2 km from the Black Sea, near Cape Kaliakra, which determines the freshness of white wines produced by Seewines. , especially emblematic of which is Sauvignon Blanc. The vineyards in Harsovo, from which the Shiroka Melnishka vine grapes are extracted, are over 50 years old, and the new plantations with Sira, although still young, impress with their potential and the pronounced peppery characteristics of the variety. Seewines follows the principles of biodynamics, both in the vineyards and in the wine production itself, maintains the biodiversity in and around the vineyards and practices the most sparing and environmentally friendly viticulture.
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Southwest of France is Merlot’s birthplace - the regions of Saint-Émilion and Pomerol. Merlot is nowadays widely planted across the world much like Cabernet Sauvignon because it is an early maturing grape variety and because of its ability to ripen fully even in slightly cooler climates. Smooth, velvety, soft and rounded - an “easy drinking" wine with tender tannic structure - these are the common descriptions of Merlot wines.
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