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Visa Tennis Cup & Visa Premium Golf Tournament
JUNE 2018
11:11 - 23:30
Visa Tennis Cup & Visa Premium Golf Tournament

Visa Tennis Cup & Visa Premium Golf Tournament

For the second time within a month, Visa Bulgaria organized a sports tournament and "Seewines" was a main partner. The Visa Tennis Cup, at the Maleeva Tennis Club, will be remembered with many remarkable moments. At the end of April, the tournament i...

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For the second time within a month, Visa Bulgaria organized a sports tournament and "Seewines" was a main partner. The Visa Tennis Cup, at the Maleeva Tennis Club, will be remembered with many remarkable moments. At the end of April, the tournament invitation was addressed to all Visa Premium card holders via the banks that serve them. On the day of the tournament, the sporting skill and endurance of all athletes were put to test. The best racers played 5 or 6 matches each to reach the finish, from 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.! The finalists in couples were really amazing and they undoubtedly won the Champion’s cup. The end was marked with a stylish cocktail, presenting a special collection of wines provided by Seewines, selected by sommelier Blagoy Kuzmanski, who paid personal attention to everyone present. In addition to the musical surprises and many gifts for the winners, they received gifts from the Seewines portfolio, again selected with an attitude. The unanimous appraisal of all the players and guests was that the Visa Nero & Koto Tennis Cup was a race that gave them a great deal of positive energy and new friendships. Visa also organize the first edition of the Visa Premium Golf Tournament at Pravets Golf Club for Visa Premium cardholders. Over one hundred experienced golfers and beginners in love with the game took part at Pravets Golf Club on 1st July. The participants were divided into three divisions according to their handicaps. Within the day, several players competed for the contested first place.

Besides by divisions, awards were also set up for "The Longest Stroke". The great gifts were distributed by Visa to all the winners. A special selection of high-end wines from all over the world has left no indifferent person and no winner. The organizers announced the successful launch of Visa's Golf Promotion Initiative.

The emotional day full with sporty zeal and intense competition ended with wonderful music, delicious delicacies, and the participants enjoyed the special wines provided by the Seewines. The new biodynamic offers, produced by the "Seewines" included: white wine "Colorito" harvest 2017, rose "Ayano" made from 100% Shiroka Melnishka loza vine from the area of ​​Harsovo and Vinegradi.




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