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Cialla Verduzzo DOC 0.375ml 2013

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Art. # 0316
Verduzzo is a white variety specific for northeastern Italy, from which both dry and sweet wines are produced. The maturing of Verduzzo di Cialla takes place in oak barrels for a year. Before it is ready for consumption, it matures in a bottle for two more years.
Alc. 15 %


  • Fruit
  • Body
  • Sweetness
  • Freshness
  • Alcohol




  • Apricot Apricot
  • Acacia Acacia
  • Honey Honey
  • Flowers Flowers


For dessert wine

Serving Temperature

Ice Cold Ice Cold

Food pairing

  • Desserts Desserts
  • Soft Cheese Soft Cheese
  • Hard Cheese Hard Cheese


Ready, but will keep

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Ronchi di Cialla

Ronchi di Cialla

Ronchi Di Cialla, in translation: the hills of Cialla, is located in the appeal Colli Orientali del Friuli, definitely the most valued in the Friuli-Venezia-Giulia region. When Paolo and Dina Rapuzzi bought the Cialla estate in the 1970s, determined to devote themselves to growing local varieties, Schioppettino was considered an extinct variety known from manuscripts and memories of older people. The two managed to collect 70 vines from the area, which allowed them to plant an entire plot, thus saving this variety from extinction. The very first samples show that the variety ages very well and is not inferior to the large international varieties in elegance and complexity. To date, all Schioppettino vines are clones of those rescued by the Rapuzzi family. When you are on the Italian wave, instead of reaching for Nebbiolo or Sangiovese, try this resurrected variety. Deliver this pleasure to your palate.

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Friuli-Venezia Giulia

Friuli-Venezia Giulia

Фриули -Венеция Джулия, регион (регион) на североизточна Италия, граничещ с Австрия на север, Словения на изток, Адриатическо море на юг и регион Венето на запад. Той има площ от 3030 квадратни мили (7 847 квадратни километра), обхващаща провинция (провинции) Удине, Порденоне, Гориция и Триест. На север плътната стена на Карническите Алпи, счупена само от прохода Монте Кроче (Plöcken) и ниското седловина Тървизио, образуват впечатляващ фон към долината на река Талиментан, сърцето на Фриули. Южната част на региона е ниска крайбрежна равнина, част от нея заета от плитките лагуни Градо и Каорле. На югоизток тази част от бившата Свободна територия на Триест, която сега е неразделна част от Италия, се простира като тесен коридор, между варовиковото плато Карсо (Крас) и Адриатическо море, чак до град Триест. Регионът варира в терени от скалисти възвишения и предпланини на север до сухи или блатисти низини на юг. Валежите на север - най -високите в Италия - благоприятстват развитието на естествени ливади за добитък, а шунката и млечните продукти във Фриули са известни. Сега, когато италианските винопроизводители южно и западно от Фриули също са усвоили изкуството да правят пресни, плодови бели вина, обаче, особено тези от Алто Адидже, техните колеги в Collio и Colli Orientali трябва да се опитат да оправдаят ценовата си премия, обикновено, но не е задължително с по -голямо използване на малки дъбови бъчви. Стандартът на винопроизводството тук обикновено е много висок и добивите са относително ниски, дори ако цената за това е, че вината могат да имат забележително подобен вкус.

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The name Verduzzo may refer to two separate varieties of white grapes from north-eastern Italy, Verduzzo Friuliano and Verduzzo Trevigiano, which are grown mainly in the Friuli-Venezia Giulia and Veneto regions. The two varieties have long been very different in manifestations, but quite confused as to the written information about them, and also often in the vineyards. The grapes (probably the Friuliano variety) were first mentioned in a report at a banquet in 1409 in Friuli, held in honor of Pope Gregory XII. The Ramandolo variety is also listed as a wine department, although DNA research from 2010 shows that the (Verduzzo di) Ramandolo variety is identical to Verduzzo Friuliano. Naturally, this variety of variety is grown mainly in Friuli and in particular in the province of Udine. The long history of the variety in the region supports the theory of the origin of Verduzzo, that it is a wild vine, which gradually the locals began to grow in their gardens. Varietal wines can be dry or sweet, even sparkling. They are usually powerful, with a rich golden color and can have noticeable tannins and herbal character when young, which suggests good susceptibility to aging for several years. Many of the best examples are sweet wines from late harvests or partially dried grapes, more often from vineyards on hills. In 2011, a subsequent DNA study indicated that the varieties Ramandolo and Verduzzo Trevigiano (and therefore Verduzzo Friuliano and Trevigiano) were different. Trevigiano means "of the (province) of Treviso", where the cultivation of this variety is more common, also in the province of Venice, as well as in Veneto. The variety is clearer late maturing than the Friuliano variety, and the wines are lighter and less casual than those of the Verduzzo Friuliano. Unlike Verduzzo Friulano, the origin of this variety is not clear. It was thought to have been imported from Sardinia in the early 1900s, but modern research does not equate it to any modern variety on the island. Although Verduzzo Friuliano is more often described as a higher quality wine, in practice the Verduzzo Trevigiano variety is considered superior to it. However, both varieties are often grown in the same areas and even in the same vineyards. In the Veneto region, Piave and Lison-Pramaggiore's Verduzzo DOC varietal wines can be produced with one or the other variety, as well as in a blend of both.

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