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Cellar of the month Château Copsa

 Purchase the wines of Château Copsa in May with -10% discount. 


Cellar of the month Château Copsa

 Purchase the wines of Château Copsa in May with -10% discount. 

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  3. Cellar of the month Château Copsa
1 - 13 of 13 results
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AXL Karlovo Misket Chateau Copsa 2023
Rose Valley, Bulgaria
Red Miscet
BGN 26.90
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Arlecino Sauvignon Blanc Chateau Copsa 2023
Thracian valley, Bulgaria
Sauvignon Blanc
BGN 23.90
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Cuvee Rouge Chateau Copsa 2020
Rose Valley, Bulgaria
BGN 39.90
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Alegria Cabernet Sauvignon 2019
Rose Valley, Bulgaria
Cabernet Sauvignon
BGN 37.90
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  • -10%
Rose Angelica Chateau Copsa 2023
Rose Valley, Bulgaria
Cabernet Sauvignon
BGN 25.90
BGN 23.31
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Cabernet Sauvignon NAKED Bio Chateau Copsa 2022
Organic wine "NAKED" is created from 100% bio-certified Cabe...
BGN 26.90
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Grape Rakia Nashe Loze
Kopsa winery creates this grape elixir exclusively from the ...
BGN 15.90
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Гроздова ракия Розова Долина 0.700мл. Шато Копса
За направата на тази гроздова ракия са подбрани ароматните с...
BGN 22.90

 Purchase the wines of Château Copsa in May with -10% discount.