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Rondo Winemakers’ selection Medi Valley 2022

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Art. # 5890

Rondo is a red grape variety used to make red and pink wines. It was created in 1964 by Professor Willem Kraus in what was then Czechoslovakia by crossing the varieties Northern Zarya and Saint Laurent. Further development of the variety was carried out at the Geisenheim Institute by Dr Helmut Becker. Beautiful, deep, deep red colour. Aromas of black berries, blackberry and violets are complemented by tones of chocolate, coffee and spice. The taste is fruity and caressing. The wine is delicate but rich, tight and with a long aftertaste.


  • Fruit
  • Body
  • Dryness
  • Tanins
  • Freshness
  • Alcohol




  • Violets Violets
  • Spices Spices
  • Small Black Fruits Small Black Fruits


For red whine

Serving Temperature

Cellar temperature Cellar temperature

Food pairing

  • Red Meats Red Meats
  • Roasted Vegetables Roasted Vegetables
  • Pasta Pasta


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Medi Valley

Medi Vali is a classic wine complex, built in 2007. It is located in the village of Smochevo, located at the foot of southwestern Rila, at 630 m above sea level, in the northernmost part of the valley of the river Struma, on the picturesque road to the Rila Monastery. It consists of a modern wine cellar and 370 decares of vineyards, planted with Chardonnay, Traminer, Sauvignon Blanc, two branches of Merlot and two branches of Cabernet Sauvignon. In 2010 in Medi Valley the realization of the new concept of the winery began, the aim of which is to turn it into the pearl of the Bulgarian southwest. The creation of interesting, rich, specific terroir wines with their own style and unique character begins, made from specially selected for each variety and type of wine from grapes in optimal maturity.

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Struma Valley

Struma Valley

The Struma Valley region covers the Southwestern part of Bulgaria and the Bulgarian part of Macedonia. The climate of the region is specific and is highly influenced by the warm currents from the Mediterranean Sea. The main grape varieties here are the local endemic Shiroka Melnishka vine, Melnik 55 (cross between Shiroka Melnishka vine and the French variety Valdigie), but also the international varieties Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot, Syrah and others. Due to the dryer climate and the higher temperatures, the wines develop warm southern tones in the aroma, with nuances of ripe fruit and a densely rich body. Of particular interest are the wines from Shiroka Melnik vine, partly due to the fact that the variety is difficult to grow because it ripens in late autumn. Today, the region is the most dynamically developing in Bulgaria, with many new, small, family owned wineries, increasingly focused on the quality and terroir expression of the wines they produce.

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Рондо (Rondo) e червен сорт грозде, използван за направата на червени и розови вина. Създаден е през 1964 година от професор Вилем Краус в тогавашната Чехословакия, чрез кръстосване на сортовете Северна Заря и Сен Лоран. По нататъшното развитие на сорта се осъществява в института Гайзенхайм от д-р Хелмут Бекер. В по-голям мащаб, сортът е засаден през 80-те години на XX век в Ирландия. Официално името Рондо, сортът получава едва през 1997 г. Рондо е ранозреещ сорт, с висока устойчивост против измръзване и болести. В наши дни е разпространен и познат в много страни от Северна Европа (Дания, Великобритания, Швеция, Холандия и др.) При правилна работа в лозето и последваща такава в избата, сортът дава тъмно обагрени, ароматни и сочни червени вина, които имат потенциал за отлежаване в бутилка.

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